Description: A postdoctoral position is available starting December 2012 to join a newly established research program within the Department of Virology of the Pasteur Institute, Paris.
Project outline: Very early upon virus infection of mammalian cells, many anti-viral genes, collectively called as "viral stress-inducible genes’ are activated directly by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) without the need of Interferon (IFN) signaling. The project aims at understanding the molecular mechanisms and the dynamics of this IFN-independent pathway in the context of infection by medically relevant viruses. A better understanding of this arm of the innate immune response should shed some light on the control of virus replication by the host cell, the cell tropism of the virus and the development of disease.
Key words: dynamics of virus-host interaction, innate immunity, viral stress-inducible genes.
Candidate requirements: Candidates must hold a PhD degree in Biological Sciences since less than 2 years. They must have experience in the domain of mammalian virology, innate immunity and cell biology. Experience in live cell microscopy will be advantageous. Candidates should be willing to take on intellectual, scientific and technical challenges.
To apply: Applicants should send a cover letter and a C.V (including a list of publications as well as names and contact information for up to 3 academic references) to Nolwenn Jouvenet (nolwennjouvenet@gmail.com).
The position is fixed term for 48 months.